Dutch Computational Science (DUCOMS) Dag 2025

20 November 2025
Domstad, Utrecht

DUCOMS 2024 
Conference details

Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Jaarbeurs Utrecht (Julianazalen)
Registration fee: € 125

The Dutch Computational Science (DUCOMS) Day brings together computational science professionals from all disciplines and career levels, from both academia and industry. DUCOMS addresses the strategic focus areas of the National Agenda for Computational Science and includes interdisciplinary keynote presentations, as well as parallel and poster sessions on the following focus areas and topics:

Industry Session

This year DUCOMS will host its first industry session, which will take place at the same time as the parallel sessions (13:30-15:00). During this session, we would like to discuss what the Computational Science NL platform can do for industry stakeholders. If you want to attend this industry session alone (and not the rest of the DUCOMS 2024), you can register here. Otherwise, please register through the main registration form.


Organizing Committee

Johan Mentink (RU) | Irene Bonati (SURF) | Nicolas Renaud (NLeSC) | Alfons Hoekstra (UvA) | Kees Vuik (TU Delft). With support from Amplify EventMarketing.

Scientific Committee

Arthur van Dam (Deltares) |  Georgi Gaydadjiev (TU Delft) | Ioana Ilie (UvA) | Willem Jan Knibbe (WUR) | Tim Offermans (FrieslandCampina) | Benjamin Sanderse (CWI) | Lambert Schomaker (RUG) | Erika Tsingos (UU) | Karen Veroy-Grepl (TU/e).